Fine Print

We accept the following forms of payment:
Visa, Master Card, Discover, American Express, PayPal, Check or Money Order.

We need a 50% deposit upfront and a 50% before shipment.

Please note that all files submitted to JRI Recordings Enterprises LLC for CDBook™'s must be submitted as final files. JRI Recordings Enterprises LLC is not responsible for any errors within the text or images of your CDBook™ that are submitted as final files. While we allow you to make edits after reviewing proofs please make sure your files are complete when submitted for final manufacturing. JRI Recordings is also not responsible for obtaining intellectual property rights, mechanical licenses, or the necessary permissions to use music that you or your artist did not write. CDBook™ is a trademarked, patented product and is the property of JRI Recordings Enterprises LLC.
Copyright © 2015 JRI Recordings Enterprises, LLC