Serpentine Sky
Catalog Number: J118

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Gordon Green, COMPOSER
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Composed for up to eight pianos, the fourteen pieces range from a very spare and reflective elegy to wild and playful collages of familiar tunes. The computer control allows Green to create startling effects, such as notes traded between instruments at lightning speeds, impossibly fast runs and arpeggios, and very dense shimmering textures. The surround sound mix is especially effective at capturing the immersive fabrics of piano sound. Unlike much computer-based music, this music retains the rich warm tone of a grand piano, and the melodic lines based on very human improvised gestures balance the precise control and dense counterpoint enabled by the computer. 
“In the tradition of Nancarrow, impossible riffs fly by at lightening speed, executed with perfect accuracy. Add Green's spatial treatments of up to six pianos and the results are dizzying. Green's puréed Patriotic Collage, for example, is like Ives under the influence.” NEWMUSICBOX